
August 11, 2009


Sometimes, I think, a person needs to feel alone-ness. I think we, as people, need to take time to reflect, to look inward, to think about things that are bigger than us- whether that be God, or other people, or purpose, or life- on the whole. It’s in those times, for me, that I step […]

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August 6, 2009


I feel like my perspective on certain aspects of my life is coming full circle again. Those moments wherein you can look back and see growth and movement interest me endlessly- those sweet, tranquil, times of self reflection when you can remind yourself that life is moving forward, and for the best, and when you […]

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life, and time, and growing

August 4, 2009


“I want to keep walking away from the person I was a moment ago, because a mind was made to figure things out, not to read the same page recurrently.” -Don Miller That does resonate with me in a lot of ways. I’m sure we can break it down, and strip it of it’s truth, […]

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Life and selfishness

July 14, 2009


It is interesting, to me, how very self absorbed we all are. This is only really apprent, in my own experience, when given a potent taste of reality- of the fact that life does indeed carry on outside the walls of my own head. I think the contents of those very walls, that is, my […]

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the sum of you, my dear, is great, the pieces the memories

July 12, 2009


…but, love, how can you not see? The heart that beats within these ribs No longer belongs to me

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Youth and Forever

June 27, 2009


These five days I’ve watched The pieces of my heart I gave away Slowly return to me In mangled packages, carelessly left on doorsteps Broken by ambitions I never should have held. How silly of me to think this different though, all things go. As if heartache- which it seems Is a law of life […]

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Intelligence and Arrogance

June 20, 2009


I’m sitting at a Starbucks in Valencia, I’ve found my new favorite store. Anyway, sitting in near proximity to myself is a couple of fourty-somethings talking about how they both recently graduated from Ivy League schools with Masters in their respective subjects. The conversation is somewhat louder than is nesissary, considering the amount of people […]

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June 16, 2009


I am very uncomfortable with being out of control of anything. At work, as a manager, i get frustrated by other people’s rebellious behavior. In life I struggle to sit back and let things happen. These attitudes have left me frustrated, depressed, and somewhat irritable- especially recently. I like when life falls into categories and […]

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this time, the joke’s on you

June 1, 2009


there’s no winning among wolves when you’re alone and hunted by a pack there’s no staying when a throng of angry peasants wants to see you burned at the stake. there is no grace among the outwardly prideful and secretly insecure who wrap themselves in blankets the false hope that lets them sleep at night […]

Posted in: poetry

bombs and borders

May 26, 2009


I dropped it I let it go and it consumed everything Even I got caught in the back draft

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