an accurate recollection

January 23, 2010


Remember when being apart Only reminded us of being together And how there was something beautiful about that? When the softest spoken words took time Months, and energy, but built themselves together Making, as they do, a stronger love Did you ever feel infinite? I remember I did, on one occasion When you slept for […]

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and here we are in 2010

January 3, 2010


What happened to 2009?  I felt like my year was split radically in two parts.  Sometime around the end of May a lot of things in my life started changing dramatically.  I feel like, in both halves of last year, I was riding a wave I enjoyed and am grateful to have been on- even […]

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[two things]

October 26, 2009


One of my best friends, Nate, is a wise man indeed.  This is stolen from his blog: “If I could tell you two things to encourage you today, they would be: 1. Keep on loving. 2. Breathe: you’re going to be ok.”

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frozen chicken nuggets, white walls, retarded cats

October 21, 2009


It’s a cold night, and the house is quiet.  Sometimes, in moments like this, the sound of the appliances in the kitchen, the wind whirling outside the windows, and the traffic on the street at the bottom of the hill my house is on work in a strange unison and make it sound like it’s […]

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all things go

October 10, 2009


i’ve made a lot of mistakes, in my mind

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a barbecue (this is really about that)

October 8, 2009


Today I got a text from a friend inviting me to a good old-fashioned barbecue at his house this evening.  I was initially a little bit hesitant, as going to a barbecue typically means interacting with people. I’m learning I don’t do well with groups in general, and I certainly don’t do well with groups […]

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swimming under bridges i set fire to

September 19, 2009


I had coffee with a friend today.  I realized, as he walked in, that we’d made somewhat of a silent commitment to see each other once a week, and we’ve held to it, successfully, and religiously, for about 14 days now.  Sometimes it’s hard for me to be around him.  My ego hates his wisdom, […]

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500 Days of Summer

August 31, 2009


I figured, since I’d alluded to writing reviews on my blog, that I would start by sharing my thoughts on Marc Webb’s “500 Days of Summer.” This film is very beautiful in a lot of ways.  I’ll warn you, it’s a bit of an emotional rollercoast, at least it was for me.  The relationship between […]

Posted in: Reviews


August 23, 2009


There are very few things in this life that can move me to such extreme emotion that I am either left, almost literally, breathless, or in tears.  Thinking tonight about the people closest to my heart, I am that kind of moved to find myself so lucky.  I worry too much, I worry about life, […]

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